East Bay Roses | Looking Forward

These roses were blooming down the street from the house of the girls I watch in Berkeley.

berkeley roses
english garden rose
full garden roses wide open
berkeley rose

And these were blooming a block away from the little girls I watch in North Oakland.

ombre roses
ombre rose
pink tipped roses in the sky
pink tipped roses white picket fence
pink and white garden roses picket fence

Ombre garden roses, dark wooden fence, white picket fence, it doesn't get much better.

I've been nursing a pretty nasty cold for a week now. I had to miss my soccer game today, which is a bummer. But after breakfast Jeffery and I might take a drive up to the top of Mount Tam, I've never been before. And my parents will be here in a week! We're having a Russian Easter celebration with family and friends next weekend, and the weekend after that I am photographing another birthday party. The niece of one of my best friends is turning one! And then it's mother's day and Jeff's birthday and then we might go camping for Memorial Day. After that we're off to Grass Valley for our friend's wedding, and then up to Willits for Jeff's ten year high school reunion. I get some time off mid June, and I'm planning on taking a road trip to Colorado with a friend. Time is going by very fast, and we have so many things to look forward to in the next few months. I'm also thinking about getting a new lens, which would probably make all of those experiences even better. :)