We're here! And we were greeted by happy pets, shoyu ahi poke, a garden paradise bursting with life, a soccer pickup game in a remarkable setting, and dinner out in Pahoa, where we were serenaded by a local musician and beautiful hula dancers while we ate. My mother has been busy making hundreds of cupcakes and a cake for a large wedding we are attending this evening, I plan on taking notes. I am up with the roosters and still on California time, so I wanted to share with you some Instagram photos I took from the plane. Jeffery surrendered the window seat for the first time in a decade, so you have him to thank.
Leaving Oahu
More Oahu
More Oahu
Flying over Molokai
I couldn't get any of the Big Island because we were one the wrong side of the plane. But there are some close ups coming. ALOHA!