Last night for dessert, we ended up making carrot cupcakes. With butter cream frosting. And I got to try out the cake decorating tips my mom gave Jeffery for Christmas.
Today Marina and I went to the Treasure Island Flea Market. She ended up coming away with four white ramekins (for making lemon souffle) for $4 (haggled her way down from $10) and I bought a bottle of strawberry balsamic vinegar. Yum!
The 40-foot dancing woman from Burning Man has made its home on Treasure Island. I can't imagine a better backdrop. Incredible.
"Bliss Dance"
When our stomachs indicated it was picnic time, we spread a blanket on the grass and munched on chicken tamales. Marina's fisherman friend gave her a piece of salmon, which she poached in white wine and we mixed with cream cheese and dill and spread over crackers. "We're good at picnics," she said. We left right before it started to rain. Like we planned it that way.